Grove Injection Treatment


Tree Injection for Protection of Grove Trees

Trunk injection of chemicals into trees for systemic treatment using the Chemjet Tree Injectors is an environmentally sound and economical method for protection of grove trees.

Tree injection uses the natural transpiration of the tree to distribute pesticides, fungicides and nutrients to the areas where treatment is needed without releasing chemicals in the environment (as opposed to spraying or drenching the ground with chemicals).  With direct injection into the circulatory system of a tree, a much lower volume of chemical is needed because it all goes into the tree, leaving none on the ground or on exterior tree bark for exposure to unintended receptors such as beneficial insects, birds, animals or people.

Growers conventionally rely upon mechanized or hand held sprayers to deliver crop protection materials. The sprayers use large quantities of pesticides and are relatively inefficient in that a small fraction of the chemical sprayed is actually delivered to the pest; the vast majority drifting to the ground or other off target receptors. The use of sprayers inherently creates risk to the environment, orchard workers and other recipients of the over-spray. Spraying kills unintended beneficial insects such as honey bees. With soil drench methods used to apply crop protection mixtures to the ground surface, only a small portion of chemical is taken up by the root systems, and the rest is wasted into the subsurface environment and groundwater.

Trunk injections are used for protection of avocado, coconut, apple, citrus, nuts and other grove trees.

Tree Injection using Chemjet®

Tree Injection using Chemjet

Economical and Simple

The process of tree injection has traditionally been conducted by tree care professionals using injection devices that are very expensive and specialized. This has caused tree injection to be costly and as a result infrequently applied. But with use of the reloadable Chemjet Tree Injector, treatment is very economical. The low cost of the Chemjet Tree Injector (products) allows orchard workers to save time and use multiple injectors simultaneously. For example, one worker can use multiple Chemjets to conduct injection treatment on a batch of 20 orchard trees at a time, and be finished in minutes. Then after injection is complete the Chemjets can be removed from the trees, refilled from a bucket of treatment chemical mix right in the orchard, and deployed on the next 20 trees. The Chemjet Tree Injector is inexpensive, rugged, refillable and reusable. And with proper care and maintenance could be used repeatedly for many years.
Additional information on trunk injection for treatment of orchard trees is presented in these technical papers:

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