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Order Chemjet Tree Injectors

Best prices!  The Chemjet Tree Injector is an inexpensive reloadable syringe used to inject pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers to treat diseases and pests, to prevent death of the tree. These injectors are used in a process called microinjection to treat an entire tree (leaves to roots) by deploying multiple Chemjet® Injectors evenly spaced around the trunk of the tree. Made of rugged plastic, the Chemjet® injectors can be reused for many years. Note:  treatment chemicals are not included with Chemjets. 


As low as $13.40 per Chemjet Includes Shipping

DIY Tree Injection Equipment

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(231) 330-8723

Logical Result LLC

Tree Injection for Treatment

Diseases, pests and fungi which kill or adversely affect trees in North America, and which can be treated by injections with the appropriate chemical and expertise include: oak wilt, sudden oak death, oak borer, emerald ash borer, dutch elm disease, Asian longhorned beetle, bronze birch borer, two lined chestnut borer,  beech bark disease, magnolia scale, diplodia tip blight, apple scab, fire blight, pine wilt, spruce beetle, pine bark beetle, Japanese beetle, spotted lanternfly, HLB Disease (citrus greening), armillaria root rot, blue stain fungus, anthracnose, phytophthora root rot and canker, laurel wilt, hemlock woolly adelgid, Texas Phoenix palm, lethal yellowing palm phytoplasma, iron chlorosis, caterpillars (gypsy, browntail, winter moth, others).

How Chemjet® Works

The Chemjet® Injector is a spring-loaded syringe-like device, with a 20mm tapered nozzle. The chemical is drawn through the nozzle into the chamber of the injector in measured 10, 15 or 20ml quantities. The injector handle is pulled back to energize the spring pressure and locked open by twisting the handle in a clockwise direction.  Holes are drilled into the tree using a 11/64 bit to a depth of about 1-1/2 inch, and the Chemjet® nozzle is pressed into the hole by hand (no hammering) to make a tight seal.    While holding the Chemjet® in place, the red handle is pulled back slightly then turned counterclockwise to allow the spring pressure to inject chemical into the tree. Here is a video which gives a good demonstration of the procedure, function and use of the Chemjet® Tree InjectorSee More

Oak Wilt Disease and Treatment

Healthy oak trees can be treated using a fungicide to prevent lethal infection by oak wilt disease.  This is easily conducted using Chemjet® Tree Injectors to inject the fungicide Propiconizole 14.3 into small drilled holes at multiple locations around the circumference of the tree. The chemical is then carried throughout the tree, from up to the leaves down to the roots, effectively inoculating the tree from lethal infection of oak wilt disease…READ MORE

Emerald Ash Borer Treatment

Direct injection of pesticides through the bark and into the trunk of ash trees is an environmentally sound and economical way of treating EAB.  With direct injection into the circulatory system of a tree using Chemjet® Tree Injectors, a much lower volume of chemical is needed because it all goes into the tree, leaving none on the ground or on the exterior tree bark for exposure to unintended receptors.  Trunk injection is the most efficient and works the fastest of EAB control methods, with the pesticide circulation throughout the tree within a few days. Trunk microinjections should be started during mid to late spring after trees have leafed out and can continue all summer….See More

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment

HWA kills hemlock trees but it takes years and there is time identify the infestation and take action to save trees. Chemical insecticide treatments can be conducted to protect and save valued trees.  Only infested trees need to be treated.   These applications include drenching the soil around the tree with insecticide, spraying the tree trunk, and trunk injection treatments. If done properly, the insecticide will kill the resident HWA and keep new infestation away from the trees.  If a tree is lightly infested, the insecticide treatment kills the HWA and the tree can start to heal and ultimately thrive again…READ MORE

Sudden Oak Death Treatment

Sudden Oak Death is a tree affliction caused by phytophthora ramorum, a type of water mold that causes cankers which disrupt the circulation of sap, girdling and eventually killing the tree. The mold spores are spread from infected to healthy trees in the air by wind, and also by water. If you have SOD killing trees on your property or in your neighborhood, you do not have to sit by and watch your oak trees die. You can easily treat against infection and death of trees by SOD using DIY trunk injection of the phosphonate fungicide Garden Phos  (previously known as Agri-Phos) and reloadable Chemjet® Tree Injectors….READ MORE

Dutch Elm Disease Treatment

Elm trees can be treated using the fungicide Propiconazole 14.3 to protect from infection by DED. This is easily conducted using Chemjet® Tree Injectors to inject the fungicide propiconazole into small drilled holes at multiple locations around the base of the tree. The chemical is then carried throughout the tree, from up to the leaves down to the roots, effectively inoculating the tree from infection by DED for a limited time.  According to the labeled instructions for Propiconazole 14.3 injecting with the treatment rate described in the injection procedures detailed below will provide 24 to 36 months of control. This would protect from root graft infection from adjacent infected trees and also infection from fungus brought in by elm bark beetles with tree injections every two or three years…READ MORE

Pine Bark Beetle Treatment

There are a variety of bark beetles that infest conifers throughout North America. Adult beetles travel by flying to a new tree, tunnel through the bark, mate, and lay eggs in the inner bark. The larvae develop, feed on the inner bark causing damage to the tree and emerge by boring out through the bark. Larval feeding cuts grooves along the inner bark and interrupts the tree’s ability to move water and nutrients up and down within the afflicted tree. Several species of beetle also carry spores on their bodies to introduce the blue stain fungus which clogs up the vascular system of the tree and also inhibits the ability of the tree to move water and nutrients. Common species of Pine Bark Beetles include Southern Pine Beetle, Mountain Pine Beetle, Western Pine Beetle, Ips Engraver Beetles, and Spruce Beetles….READ MORE

More Information:

Buy Chemjet Tree Injectors Now


How Chemjet Works

Save Your Trees from Caterpillars, Beetles, Borers

Oak Wilt Disease and Treatment

Dutch Elm Disease Treatment

Save Your Trees from Oak Wilt

Save your trees from Pine Bark Beetle

Case Study: Microinjection to Protect Trees from Oak Wilt

Emerald Ash Borer Treatment

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment

Sudden Oak Death Treatment

Asian Longhorned Beetle Treatment

Orchard Crops

Plugs for Tree Injection Holes

Chemjet Tips and Ideas

Video: Injecting for Oak Wilt

Video:  Chemjet use in Australia

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