Affordable Chemjet Tree Injector: Reusable, Effective, and Easy to Use

Microinjection Treatment

The Chemjet Tree Injector is an inexpensive reloadable syringe used to inject pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers to treat diseases and pests, to prevent death of the tree. These injectors are used in a process called microinjection to treat an entire tree (leaves to roots) by deploying multiple Chemjet® Injectors evenly spaced around the trunk of the tree. Made of rugged plastic, the Chemjet® injectors can be reused for many years. Note: treatment chemicals are not included with Chemjets.


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Tree Injection for Treatment

Diseases, pests and fungi which kill or adversely affect trees in North America, and which can be treated by injections with the appropriate chemical and expertise include: oak wilt, sudden oak death, oak borer, emerald ash borer, dutch elm disease, Asian longhorned beetle, bronze birch borer, two lined chestnut borer, beech bark disease, magnolia scale, diplodia tip blight, apple scab, fire blight, pine wilt, spruce beetle, pine bark beetle, Japanese beetle, spotted lanternfly, HLB Disease (citrus greening), armillaria root rot, anthracnose, phytophthora root rot and canker, laurel wilt, hemlock woolly adelgid, Texas Phoenix palm, lethal yellowing palm phytoplasma, iron chlorosis, caterpillars (gypsy, browntail, winter moth, others).


About Chemjet Tree Injectors

Chemjet Injectors offer a precise, efficient solution for treating trees, ensuring effective delivery of pesticides, fungicides, and nutrients directly into the tree’s circulatory system.

How Chemjet Works

The Chemjet® Tree Injector uses a spring-loaded syringe-like mechanism for precise chemical delivery into trees. By drilling a small hole and inserting the Chemjet, chemicals are injected directly into the tree’s circulatory system, ensuring effective, targeted treatment.

Environmentally Sound

Chemjet tree injection minimizes environmental impact by using the tree’s natural circulation to distribute chemicals. Unlike spraying, it avoids chemical exposure to beneficial insects, animals, and people, requiring less chemical volume and leaving no residue on bark, leaves, or soil.

Efficient Tree Injection Process

Chemjet’s low-pressure injection method works with the tree’s natural sap flow. This allows even distribution of chemicals promoting effective absorption and minimizing waste. The process is simple and efficient.

Economical and Simple

The Chemjet® Tree Injector is a cost-effective, reusable tool for tree care. It allows multiple unattended injections simultaneously, saving time and money. Suitable for both professionals and DIY users, it’s durable and easy to maintain, offering long-term use.

Why Choose Chemjet Tree Injectors

Chemjet Tree Injections offer a modern, efficient, and environmentally friendly approach to tree care. By directly injecting pesticides, fungicides, and fertilizers into the tree, the treatment reaches every part of the tree, from roots to leaves, with minimal environmental impact. Here are four compelling reasons why Chemjet Tree Injections are the reliable choice for anyone serious about maintaining the health and vitality of their trees:

Targeted Application

Chemjet enables injection of smaller quantities of chemicals directly into the tree’s vascular system, ensuring precise delivery where it’s needed most, with no waste.

Environmental Responsibility

Unlike traditional spraying and drenching methods, Chemjet minimizes chemical exposure to non-target organisms like bees, animals, and humans, protecting the surrounding ecosystem.

Cost-Effective and Reusable

Chemjet injectors are durable and can be reused many times for years, making them a smart investment for both professional arborists and DIY enthusiasts.

Popular Injection Treatments for Tree Protection


Oak Wilt Prevention and Treatment

Oak wilt is an aggressive disease that affects several species of oak trees. It is one of the most serious tree diseases in the central and eastern United States, killing many thousands of oaks each year in forests, woodlots, and home landscapes. It is caused by the fungus, Ceratocystis fagacearum, which invades...

Emerald Ash Borer Treatment

Homeowner do it yourself (DIY) treatment for emerald ash borer can be done with Chemjet Tree Injectors. Protect ash trees from emerald ash borer with tree injection using Chemjet Tree Injectors and take precautions to avoid spread of emerald ash borer (EAB) to healthy trees. (NOTE most of the information below can...

Dutch Elm Disease

Dutch Elm Disease Prevention and treatment. Take action to protect your elm trees from Dutch Elm Disease with “do it yourself” tree injection! DED is one of the most destructive shade tree diseases in North America and has been killing Elms since 1928 when the invasive species arrived on logs imported from the Netherlands. The disease has since spread killing...

Pine Bark Beetle Injection Treatment

Pine Bark Beetle and Blue stain Fungus Treatment and Prevention. Take action to protect your pine trees from Pine Bark Beetles with easy “do it yourself” tree injection. There are a variety of bark beetles that infest conifers throughout North America. Adults beetles travel by flying to a new tree, tunnel through the bark...

Sudden Oak Death Treatment

Sudden Oak Death Prevention and Treatment. Take action to protect your trees from Sudden Oak Death (Phytophthora Ramorum) with “do it yourself” tree injection. SOD has been killing trees on the west coast including Tanoak, Coastal Oak, Live Oak, Shreve Oak, Black Oak, and...

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Treatment

Pesticides can be used for hemlock woolly adelgid treatment to save hemlock trees. Proactive management is necessary to combat the HWA to avoid infestation and death of healthy trees. HWA can be managed with a variety of strategies that prevent new...

Save Your Trees From Caterpillars, Beetles, Borers

Take action to protect your trees from caterpillars, beetles, borers and other insects that feed on trees with “do it yourself” tree injection. If you have bugs threatening to kill your trees because of...

Grove Injection Treatment

Trunk injection of chemicals into trees for systemic treatment using the Chemjet Tree Injectors is an environmentally sound and economical method for protection of grove trees. Tree injection uses the natural transpiration of the tree to distribute pesticides, fungicides...
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