Save Your Trees from Oak Wilt


Save Your Trees from Oak Wilt with DIY Tree&nbspInjection

Oak Wilt Prevention and Treatment. Take action to protect your oak trees from Oak Wilt with easy “do it yourself” tree injection.

Oak Wilt is a pernicious tree affliction caused by a fungus that clogs up the circulatory system of oak trees, starving them of sap, and killing every affected tree within weeks of infection. The fungus is transmitted from tree to tree by interconnected root systems and by flying beetles attracted to sap.

If you have oak wilt killing trees on your property or in your neighborhood, you do not have to sit by and watch your precious old oak trees die.   You can easily treat against infection and death of trees by oak wilt using DIY trunk injection of the fungicide Propiconazole 14.3 using reloadable Chemjet® Tree Injectors.

The procedure is as follows for trees that have not yet been infected (indicated by leaves turning brown or falling off prematurely during summer.

Oak Wilt Microinjection Treatment Procedure

Adapted from the Chemjet® manufacturer suggested procedure. You can inject at the root flare just above the ground, or at some point up the trunk that is easier to reach.
Here is a video: Injecting for Oak Wilt
Repeat injection of the trees every other year.
Microinjection to Protect Trees From Oak Wilt image
With the relatively simple implementation of tree injection using the inexpensive Chemjet Tree Injectors, it is feasible to inject and protect many more oak trees. This brings to reality an economical option of DIY injecting all of the healthy oak trees on your woodlot around an oak wilt outbreak area to inhibit expansion of the disease to your trees. See this Case Study. It takes a few hours to treat the average big oak tree. If you have one or two trees to treat you could get by with five Chemjets (re-use them as you drill around the tree) and a quart of Propiconazole 14.3. If you have many trees you will will need 20 or more Chemjets and you can buy Propiconazole 14.3 more economically by the gallon.

Get Chemjet Tree Injectors online here


Get Propiconazole 14.3 online here

Call Erik today for personalized support!

Effective and Affordable Oak Wilt&nbspTreatment

Treating for oak wilt is easy and relatively cheap!  The fungicide costs about $0.25 per 10 ml injector dose and Chemjets cost about $14 each and can be reused for years. There is much information on the oak species affected, oak wilt prevention, and tree injection procedure at the following links: Buy Chemjet Tree Injectors Now
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