How Chemjet Works

Environmentally Sound

Tree injection uses the natural circulation of the tree to distribute pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers to the areas where treatment is needed without releasing chemicals in the environment (as opposed to spraying or drenching the ground with chemicals).  With direct injection into the circulatory system of a tree, a much lower volume of chemical is needed because it all goes into the tree, leaving none on the ground or on exterior tree bark for exposure to unintended receptors such as beneficial insects (like honey bees), animals or people.

Tree Injection using Chemjet

Economical and Simple

With use of the reloadable Chemjet® Tree injector, tree injection treatment is very economical. The low cost of the Chemjet® Tree Injector allows a tree care worker to save time and use multiple Chemjet® Injectors simultaneously on multiple trees, or at multiple locations on one tree. For example, an injection treatment on a large tree could employ 25 injectors all at once, and be finished in minutes.

In addition. The cost efficient Chemjet® Tree Injector allows the option of do-it-yourself injection for tree care by resourceful property owners, farmers and resort groundskeepers (with proper knowledge and training). The Chemjet® Tree Injector is inexpensive, rugged, refillable and reusable. And with proper care and maintenance could be used repeatedly for many years. Step by step procedures for using the Chemjet® to treat for a variety of tree afflictions are detailed on pages linked below. If you have not used Chemjet Tree Injectors before be sure to watch this video and look through Chemjet Tips and Ideas.
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